Nyssa23: Hey kids! Issue sanctions and dispatch peacekeeping forces with the new Sim United Nations game! |
Nyssa23: And yea, there were viands from many exotic lands, and colorful banners festooned over all...they called it a "Food Court." |
carbonbased: You should have seen that guy before Ashcroft painted briefs on him. |
Generik: The regularly-scheduled Buddha is unable to occupy his shrine this evening. In his place will be his understudy Eddie St. Clair, patron saint of deformities, and his sidekick Ralphie. |
DiscoBoy: "There's no crying in diplomacy!" |
Mr_Grant: Botswana and France are in the hunt for the Wild Card. |
carbonbased: "Heroic Struggle of the Little Guys To Finish the Bas-Relief" |
Nyssa23: Make liver more festive by cutting it into the shape of Australia and using food coloring to add topographical accents. |
UnReality: "Now we just wait patiently for Godzilla to attack..." |
Mr_Grant: "Got tickets? Need three." |
Generik: 17th Century depiction of the Frankincense Monster. |
Mr_Grant: "I love the new Ford," enthused J. Edgar. "Does it come in pink?" |
carbonbased: George Steinbrenner finally cracks and trades Derek Jeter for a 1953 Hudson. |
Mr_Grant: Why is Lake Arrowhead shaped like a colostomy bag? That's false advertising. |
UnReality: "No, this is what NASCAR really looks like. We use flashy editing to make it look exciting on television." |
Mr_Grant: "...and that's why I'm glad the bitch is gone. Pay attention, there'll be a test." |
Darthdemona: "Nice brain...nice brain. Listen! It's purring!" |
Mr_Grant: Fernando's Hideaway Community College. |
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