"Caption Gallery Page 135

o/` breasts! glorious breasts! o/`

Live via satellite: Larry Dallas

And now, with an update on the crisis are two women having a sexual encounter in the shower with a green dildo.

.oO I will not play with the fire extinguisher, I will not play with the fire extinguisher... Oo.

A young Criswell visits his first gay bar...

Every morning for the last 33 years, Art Garfunkel looks under his bed hoping that Paul Simon has come back.

Much more popular than the "Wonka's Golden Shower" contest of 1968.

Peter Tork's elated at his regular $2.68 residual check.

All Christian can do is yammer on about some stupid 'ho he met in Paris......

I'm sure my dream girl is going to call one day, and when she does I'll say "Yes, I DO want to donate to the Fireman's Charity Ball Fund"

"Everyone hates me because I dangled my baby over a balcony...."

"Who's gonna do the report? " "I don't wanna touch it." "Me neither!" "Hey, lets give it to Nermal, he'll write anything!" "Hey, Mikey, he likes it!"

It's EASY to spark the Apocalypse. All you need is a nation of angry, fearful idiots who will believe anything, and a deranged "president" who is quick to capitalize on their fear...

(singing along to radio)
"Once again my friend, not a trend for then
they said rap was crap, but never had this band
till the ruler came, with a cooler name
make ya dance and prance and draw the fans to stades
name is Run my son, number one for fun
not a gun that's done and get done by none
the others act in fact ya just wack i kill, why?
because its fun my son and Run heads the bill!

Who's house?
Run's house!
Who's house?
Run's house!
Who's house?
Run's house!"

o/World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and the revered and the right, right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty psyched.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine...\o

o/' Scaramush scaramush will you do the fandango . . .o/'

"Hi, they call me 'Judge'. Welcome to my fabulous Reinhold-Mobile!"

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