tinaw: To be found only in the $5.99 CD rack at The Wiz. |
Zee: ... and enjoy his new demo CD, which he leaves on tables in random coffee houses hoping some record executive will find it... |
gleeb: Then again, he describes John Tesh as "inspiring", so don't get your hopes up... |
AlanPartridge: His next album will be a sharp combination of Riverdance, Scottish Bag Pipes, Country under the influence of Alcohol and LA Gangsta Rap. |
JohnSteed: His band: A Mighty Door |
AgentMoldy: But we call it, 'maize'. |
GlitterRock: Those who've actually heard his music will describe it as 'a piece of sh*t.' |
amycamus: The Vacation and Relaxation of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade. |
gleeb: You don't see a lot of facemask penalties on the boardwalk. |
JurassicPork: The rape of Niggers and Indians For Fun and Profit! |
gleeb: "Canadians: The Boreal Menace" |
amycamus: Look, whatever happened between Barbara Walters and Roy Cohn - I'm not responsible, 'kay? |
UnReality: "Plus, they get Cinemax, which is, like, way cool!" |
amycamus: All cats to become a rabbit gather immediately now here. |
Cyberbeast: A little trick John taught himself years ago. Whenever he speaks to a crowd, he imagines that they're all dwarves. That way he can pretend that they're giving him a standing ovation. |
gleeb: Calm down, everybody, the falcon is strapped to my wrist. I couldn't possibly get free....oh, dear. |
UnReality: "It's the Virgin Mary--and she's out for blood!" |
gleeb: Who knew the Fates worked out of such a shabby little place? |
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