ZeroClaus: She's flipping Saturn off! Sweet! |
ZeroClaus: "I swear, I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my... oh, thanks, kind stranger..." |
nedthenanite: All of a sudden, it's a Soundgarden video. |
mistletoeD: "Hello, children!" |
Shattered: "What do they mean by 'Stupid Jesus freak', Captain?" "Nothing, Spock. Just keep quoting Revelation." |
GersonK: "It's all coal, ya' little fuckers!" |
mistletoeD: Dysfunctional American Gothic. |
Tequila_Mockingbird: "I am King of the Credits! Harken to me, Lighting Engineer and Best Grip!" |
Artanas_On_34th_St: "Introducing new Flavostomy bags!" |
ZeroClaus: Snail excrement is known to clear your Sci-nuses. |
JediClaus: a new low. *Only* on The SciFi Channel. |
frosty_fist: "Okay, yelling 'Attica' isn't funny anymore." |
Zombie_of_Xmas_Past: Touched By An Endorsement. |
GersonK: "What? We no go there! thank you!" |
Zombie_of_Xmas_Past: "C'mon, Ya wanna play Cappers?" "I dunno." "You can be Gray Zombie." |
YibbleGuy: "Soldier! Your bowel! Move it, move it, move it!" |
HRStockingstuff: They're gonna feel really foolish when they realize they forgot the bat. |
ArtanezerScrooganas: "Now you gotta ask yourself. Did I drink 3... or 4 glasses of Metamucil... feeling lucky, punk?" |
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