"Caption This! Gallery Page 8"

Tommorow Night on Sightings, Are Aliens responsible for green eggs and ham? The Answer will amaze you, not to mention give you Trichonosis!

The Japanese version of Teletubies (Super Destructive Happy Tele-Pokemon) was dissapointing to say the least.

Brain: Organ. Hobbies include daydreaming, thinking, practical jokes on Margot Kidder...

Billy Keane takes over storyboarding Episode One for a vacationing George Lucas. "So we have Anakin followed by this dotted line..."

Sometimes, just to be different, Bill and Monica liked to rip the tops and bottoms off of lunch-size juice boxes, and play "dress up..."

A new phrase enters the vernacular, as those who are not willing to conform are forced to "walk the keogh."

*BZZZZ* "Alright, now it's my turn" "No it's not!" "Yes it it is!" "You had it all last night!" "So! You had it 2 nights in a row!" "I'm leaving you!"

'Ernest Borgnine here... What?!? You want me to star in the sequel to Titanic ?!? Wow... hey... Damn you Cameron!"

After exhaustive attempts to find a heartbeat, doctors were shocked to discover that Sam Neill doesn't actually have a heart.

Junior Jeopardy .oO(Darnit, James Joyce wrote 'Ulysses.' How could I have missed that one?)

There's an ocean liner with a couple of idiots messing around on the bow, and it's heading right for us!

"Well by my calculations, fire should be shooting out his nose and his ears should be dripping blood... let's wait just a little longer..."

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