402: Hey! Lookout! Stop! o/` You're gonna hurt someone with that old shotgun... Eh What's up doc... *we really mean it...* |
402: .oO(Was that ho haha guard turn parry or... ha ha ho DUCK dodge parry?) |
E_B_A: Failed Superheros #654635: LSD Hallucination Man! "We must stop the evil snakes from swarming over the melting walls! Wanna eat my liver?" |
Agent_Moldy: Tom Arnold... naked... covered in sour goat's milk... big bottle of tabasco in hand... *ohhhhhh...* |
animebabe: The Blair Witch Laundry. |
Fuquad: "...And I yelled out,'DON'T LOOK, ETHEL!' But it was too late!" |
Steiner: "A beanstalk into the clouds? You gotta be shittin' me." |
E_B_A: Mary was horrified to receive a letter of resignation from her doormat. Even more surprised with the final line: "You won't be stepping on me any more..." |
Torgone: Is that a grain of rice in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? |
devildoll: "It's totally illogical to encase Oreos in such a way as to discourage their consumption, Captain." |
walden000: Another screen grab refuses to get capped. "Come on, honey, go out and play with the nice cappers." "No wanna." |
The_Enigma: Watch me do the dance of the seven veils... --Crap, *tug* got it caught... Little help, please? "You're new, aren't you?" |
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