Jhiaxus: Sci-Fi's programming reaches a new low, as we bring you the most reviled soap opera in history: General Hospital - Manhattan! |
SSJ3Matt: Ahhhhhhhh! A spider! Kill it! Kill it!!! |
Zazzeris: So E.T. can be killed by throwing him into a huge bowl of milk. |
Zazzeris: Wow, I can see my house from up here. |
Datazoid1701: Give us all your candy now and we don't need no stinkin' costumes! |
Datazoid1701: It's a good day to just stay inside, read a book and be seasick. |
looseygooseyman: In a stunning plot twist, Thing arrives on the Russian ship to aid our heroes! |
Lopar: "So, what will it be, the red pill or the blue pill?" |
The_Seer: "Hasta La Vista, Governor Davis." |
The_Seer: (girl) "Hey, this one's got condoms in his pocket. We can have sex tonight!" (Arnold) "Sorry, I have a headache... and no, it's NOT a tumor." |
Lopar: "I bet I can open my mouth wider than you can." |
The_Seer: One of the Jackson brothers sees his brother Michael's latest "makeover." |
Billy_Zoom: The caves of Afghanistan... |
KrisTM: "Well Ms. Johnson, the good news is you're having a boy. The bad news is it's not human." |
KrisTM: Coming soon to SciFi - "CSI: Atlantis" |
KrisTM: Nutron introduces the world's first bunk-style tanning bed. |
flappersquirrel: *hums AC/DC while eating licorice and paintng a red door* |
looseygooseyman: "Now I'll do my Maurice Chevalier impression----Sank evan for leetle giiiirls---!" |
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