"Inventing Situations Page 100 (2003)"

I couldn't find the men's room, so I been using the corner for my personal business.

o/~ "Well, I saw the thing coming outta the sky, it had one big horn and one big eye..."

I don't know. For some reason, the meaning behind Picasso's paintings just eludes me.

"Hold still, would ya?" "Uh, Rick? Wouldn't this type of thing be better treated by a doctor?" Oh, relax, ya baby! One quick slice, and your hemorrhoid problem is gone."

This always happens to me. Every time I go to a movie, the screen always has a cut in it.

"That's pretty cool, Doc! Whattya call it?" "I call it *The Magnifying Device That Brings Images That Are Far Away Up Close So You Can See Them Better* What do you think?" "Uh... how about *Telescope*?"

That's always a good sign. The only thing that could be worse is if the word "Starring" was included.

Ah, yes. Corporate parties of the 50's. I bet *those* were a load of fun!

"Please sit down, Mr. Hopper. When he said your performance in Blue Velvet was over the top, it was meant as a compliment."

"Here is my design for what I like to call *The Machine That Shakes And Is Used By Women To Pleasure Themselves When They Cannot Find A Man*. Whatta ya think?" Uh... how about calling it a vibrator?"

Why is that every time I have a near-death experience, the tunnel is always dark at the end?

"It's all taken care of. The Electoral College in Florida has been paid off to cast their votes for Mr. Bush, if needed."

"I call it *The Hole In The Spaceship With Glass Covering It So That People Can Look Outside The Ship And See What's Going On*. Whatta ya think?" "Uh... How about calling it a porthole?"

"Ook ook OOK!"

They were beautiful, these Ninjas in the Mist.

"I said, Um gonna go buy one ub dose potable tbansladros dey hab at Shahpuh Imuj."

Erotic sock puppetry? I smell NEA grant.

Lee Van Cleef -- sporting enough bags for a family vacation to Easter Island.

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