Shaft: Goddamn colored people. |
Steve_Reeves: "So, then you give 'em an expression like this and you say, What's your sign?" |
Lu_Bu: OK. A frog dancing behind an X-ray machine? |
mistie406: Bruce Campbell IS Jim Varney IN "Evil Dead 4: Ernest Reads the Necronomicon." |
LMAO: Before they were married, Cornelius liked to peek in at Zira while she was getting dressed. |
VulcanFemme: Honey, I think you're getting a little too old for this... |
LMAO: "Don't listen to them, Sweetheart. It's perfectly normal for an 8 yer old to wear Underoos to school." |
shanky: "Kibbles n' Bits, Kibbles n' Bits. I'm gonna get me some Kibbles n' Bits!" |
LMAO: "You little shit!!! How many times do I have to tell you NOT to play with ketchup packets in the car!!!" |
Fuquad: "Can't sleep! Clowns will eat me! Can't sleep! Tony the Tiger will eat me! Can't sleep! Teletubbies will eat me!" |
Thrakhath77: "Mommy wasn't moaning out of pain, son..." |
GlitterRock: "Dear Amidala... how are you? I am fine..." |
CODE_RED: I never noticed that building was white... |
GarOp7g: Does second base with your sister really count? |
PsiBolt: Penny finally overdoses on Skittles... |
PunkBoy: "...Back in my day, we had to walk FIFTEEN miles in the snow just to get to school!" |
JoeyBrill: Why, oh why did I squeeze the Charmin? |
MrZyzyk: "...and when they told me I was going to Disneyland when I got better, and well, it was a miracle!" |
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