"Cap an Ad"
Caption This Held A Caption King/Queen Contest on 10/31/98. All The Caption Gang Was Invited To Play Along.
Over 1500 Captions Were Posted During The Hour Long Cap-A-Thon.
All Wanted To Win.
Only One Could Win

Hilda always did want to marry a fireman, but when she realized that that would never happen, she settled for the next best thing

When regular-sized butt plugs won't do.

Where will *you* be when your diarrhea strikes?
Suppositories for the anal sex-obsessed
Eventually, the fire department had to rescue her with the Buttcheeks of Life.

For those times when normal anti-diarrea medications won't do, there is new Plug-It-All

Proprietor Dennis Hopper also invites you to check out his new nitrous bar, opening soon!

Recommended by Robert Downey, Jr., Whitney Houston and Rush Limbaugh!

Yessiree, folks, right here in Rivercenter! We gotcher massage! We gotcher reflexology! We gotcher 2-fer-1 One-Potato-Two coupons!

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