144b: Fine reading, Kathy. Now, do you understand it, now? Uh, sure Mr. Pinttern. But, the Kama Sutra is a real textbook? |
144b: STAY back Mindy! Those peppers are hot! |
144b: Meanwhile, The Daliy Worker trys to scoop Grit as the nations least readweekly paper. |
144b: From the makers of Finding Nemo Crash the sea tuttle is TJ Hooker! Righteous!Righteous!!! |
144b: I don't think Tiger Woods ever made a beach movie, do you? |
144b: Snatch the ball from my hand, young grasshopper. |
144b: I told you to get some gas, did you listen to me? Nooooo! Shut the f**k up! |
144b: And Davey Jones gets ready for his date with Mashia Brady. I'll pop that bird's cherry, mates?! |
144b: George is a sadistic farmhand. He likes to stomp on baby chicks. He ain't been right since they took off Hee Haw. |
144b: But Judge? These gals told me they was 18, I swair!? |
144b: And then smoking in bed, in the dark. Basking in the afterglow of having good, hot 6. |
144b: Man, that'sa simple phone number to remember? |
144b: And then, they ate my pony. |
144b: I'll tell you when I've has enough, beer monkey! Keep pouring! |
144b: Alright, troops! We have big job to do tonight, It's a double header against the Mets. Ad you know what that means. A lot of you won't be coming back. |
144b: Mr. Claus? Are you now or have yu ever been a menber of the Communist party? |
144b: Now, that's art! |
144b: The townpeople gather for the 2:00 stoning. |
144b: Hey, where's the Beeman's chewing gum at? They stopped making it, Gramps. After all those deaths. |
144b: Ah, the smell of Old Spice, Vitalis & flop sweat filled the gym as the prom stepped into high gear. |
144b: PLOW! One of many onomatopoeias that never made it on the old Batman show during the fight sceens. |
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