"Will Cap for Food #37"

Before assembly, government employees carefully inspect the most important circuit of the Stepford Wife #69TA model.

You see how the grommet fits into the flange, Philo?. I do, Milton. That's cuts down on the resistance by 45.004 percent. But, while that defeats the confluent drag. What about the stress placed on to the outer core? Wont that cause maxillofacial feedback? Oh worst, scarring of the chamber? Gosh, Milton. I would of never calculated that into the pressure ratio. Philo? Yes, Milton? Are you as hot as I am? Oh god yes!!!!

L.A. County Fair technicians labor late into the night to perfect their latest delicacy -- carburator on a stick!

Acme Penile Implants: Proudly Made In America!

Here at Capper Laboratories, all of our Tiny Caption Capsules are double-inspected by Herbert Anderson and Allen Ginsberg, before we pass the savings on to you!

"Doctor Oppenheimer." "Herr Von Braun... How's the rocket biz?" "Ach... you know. Ups and downs." "Best joke you can come up with?" "Vat? You tink it bombed?" "Don't give up your day job."

Anal Intruder 2000 workers wonder how they'll keep up with the speed of the conveyor belt. Then suddenly, Cliff remembers that episode of "I Love Lucy" in the chocolate factory...

No, it's not the wild love-fest you expected. Just another average Tuesday morning doing quality control at the Screaming Reamer plant.

In a secret government factory, only blind workers are allowed to construct the fabled Bob Dole penile implants. This makes it awfully difficult for Lenny to get a laugh from his "just manufacturing some of the old in-out" joke

Their careers consist of putting the little tags on those funny pipes saying "FOR TOBACCO ONLY". Ask them what it's like to live a lie.

The remake of "Rope" entitled "A Slow Screw In SingSing"

"Tell me again, Mr, Marconi. How do you get the lime in the coconut?"

'Cool! The Bosch LM-45-6Y spark plug! Only 10 million were made! What's the lot number? 867! Score!!!'

John Lennon in "How I Won The War" had it been directed by Stanley Kubrick.

"Rare photograph of Bill Nye at his first job out of college... Quality Control at Gizmonics Institute."

"Rodney!!! Stop looking off your neighbor's work!"

Not many people know that before going to work for Mr. Drysdale, Miss Hathaway worked at Los Alamos assembling atomic bomb components.

See this long hard thingie? I put it in the soft round thingie. I do this all day! Do you believe they PAY me to do this? Hell, I'd do it for free!

"Y'know Phil, this here Manhattan Project thing might command my attention from nine to five, but after five, the Martini Project's all I give a rat's ass about." "I hear ya, buddy."

Sure, it's a lost art building these vacuum tubes. But with just the two of us knowing how to make the puppies, air traffic controllers will have to pay our price!! We will be millionaires!!

Moments later, the machine began to go "Ping!" and the world had once again been saved by pasty-faced science geeks.

*guy on right*"...and then the rabbit goes through the hole.." *guy on left* "Ed? Um..."*g.o.r.* "..and chases the rat.." *g.o.l.* "Ed! That's *not* the way you tie your shoes!"

"William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin learn that the "cut-up" technique does not work with auto parts."

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