"Will Cap for Food #23"

"Why is Scoutmaster Biff videotaping us?" / "Yeah... and why is he wearing a gladiator outfit?"

Aw, screw Indy! We're going to Bonievile! Said Tyler Horton. As he and his Cub Scout Troop 247, move their car, The Skull Cracker to the famed Salt Flats of Bonievile, Utah in order to break the land speed record

With their crack training, and incredible scrounging and improvisational skills, the boys of troop 221 were able to fix their wounded half-track and stop the Nazis cold on that cold November day- 1944. Thank god for the Cub Scouts of America!

"We couldn't find a soap box."

"Dr. Smith, your ride is here!"

What with its weighing only 40 pounds and having virtually no protection for the driver, small wonder that Ralph Nader declared the Corvair "Unsafe At Any Speed."

Those damn Unsers are breeding like cockroaches! Pretty soon they'll be setting up pit crews on every corner and over-running the normal humans! Something must be done!

Scout Troop 15 from Schenectady were disqualified from the recent Soap Box Derby when it was discovered that two of their members were retired Power Rangers.

The Mentally challeged downhill racers grab their respective wheel positions for the dry run!!

"The American World Cup Racing Design Team"

It may not look like much but Michael Jackson just offered $20 million.

A young Darth Vader (right, rear) enlists the help of some future Empire Stormtroopers to help him transport an early mobile version of the Death Star.

Moments later Billy was strapped into the seat and sent careening down the hill at 75 mph where he was found in a bloody, mangled heap at the bottom. (Help, I've fallen and I can't cap!!!)

In order to fly up to Boy Scouts, Cub troop 666 started their own business, a chop shop, featuring go-cart parts.

I dunno, it just seems like since Richard Petty retired, NASCAR doesn't really try any more...

Needless to say Kathie Lee's entry into the Indy 500 was later disqualified despite the new track record during qualifing.

One of my long forgotten days as a kid. Carrying a bunch of wood planks with wheels attached to who knows where! God, I remember those days well.

Is that your *FINAL* Unser??

As the pit crew assisted the injured racer off of the raceway, the racer was heard to mutter: "I coulda been a contenda!"

The Cub Scouts of America is trying desperately to clean up their "Lord of the Flies" image.

More disturbing than their abominably poor choice of checkered camouflage materials to cover the carcass was the question of why the four youths found themselves needing to dispose of a small shetland pony in the first place.

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