"Will Cap For Food - REDUX (70)"

"Fairies wear boots. You don't believe me? Can't you see it? See it with your own two eyes?"

Across my nightmares. With nets of ennui. I chase the drab, easy-to-find butterfly of indiffference. There he is, just past those three girls hugging that big dick.

Ya know, the way Disney's marketing the new Tinkerbell movie it didn't look too appealing. But after seeing this I just might have to give it a watch. Probably late at night. After the kids are in bed. Alone.

"Undergarments are for people who CARE about hygiene!"

This will happen... If you vote for Obama. Seriously. I mean it. Really.

Girls begin singing, "on the good ship, Obama-pop..."

As we can see, Gumby is a little nervous around women, as he is turning a whiter shade of pale.

The Bugaloos goes for a re-make... and a whole new age demographic.

Why is it that I always here about this sort of thing long after the fact?

*scoff* And they say the new 90210 isn't as good as the original *sets TiVO*

Once you go black, you never go back. If you can't figure it out, just look at this picture a little longer and the answer should pop up for you.

"You know what they say, ladies: Once you do a human toilet seat cover, you never go back!"

I still say my giant can of Raid outfit was in keeping with the theme, but that's convention politics for you.

At last! A new super-group worthy of a new millenium: The Orgastics! Though their heroic leader The Flannel Faerie is a touch camera-shy, the group's female contingent(from front to back), Boot-E-Licious, the Slut, and (of course) Turtle-Ho are always happy to mug for the camera with the team's fifth and final ...uh... member, the appropriately named Big Dick.

Once Gumby learned that he could reshape his clay body, there was no end to the groupies he could bag.

Pillsbury Doughboy gots da flava!

I guess they don't mind a blackhead on Dick Johnson.

You know... I could've gone my entire life without seeing Eddie Murphy's crotch critters... *urp* magnified a bazillion times... *HONNNNNK*

'Frisco. Just like old times.

Darnell was always thought of as being a dick so his Halloween costume was a given.

It's a tradition at the Justice League of America tryouts for rejected superheros to get drunk and stay up all night...

"Big Willie" knew how to get all the honeys... He always applied glue to his costume to keep them stuck on him for hours. In a typical night, you can see about 25 different women stuck to his costume at any time.

What a bunch of fairies.

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