TallyMeBanana: I will get the popcorn. |
TallyMeBanana: Plenty more Biden ballots in here. |
CK: I hereby find you guilty of staring deeply into my eyes with wanderlust. |
CK: I killed my lawyer. Can I have another one? |
CK: You are not man enough to handle my pinking shears. |
CK: Other than gutting the Elf On A Shelf, she's a good girl. |
CK: Bowling For Lamp Shades or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Michael Moore. |
CK: Nervous? It's getting closer and closer. |
CK: Hat or head trauma? You make the call. |
TallyMeBanana: Chillin with the Biden's. |
flavio: Stupid Dutch Elm disease! |
flavio: Edward Chopstixhands |
flavio: Little known fact - Fannie Flagg was a Super Star in Bogata |
bannerman1million: *insert Bob Ross joke here* |
bannerman1million: "Ah, my diploma from Dramatic Angle University. Good ol' DAU." |
bannerman1million: *Wandavision is filmed in front of a confused and occasionally terrified audience* |
bannerman1million: Hey, Captain America, I don't bother you when you're pimp-slapping Hydra, do I? |
bannerman1million: .oO "Because it's there." BRILLIANT! Oo. |
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