amphetamine: ahhhhhCHOOOO!!! Careful! No Kleenex! I've lost control of it! |
Beedo: "How'd you find THAT particular porn site?" "I mistyped 'webcralwer.' Check it out." |
BooFifty: Stealthfull Keebler assassins snuck up on an unsuspecting Julia and her Nabisco liason... |
![]() SteveED: I'm a DOCTOR not an ACTOR! |
![]() Lanzman: Kirk not understand... Spock explain to Kirk? |
theykilledkenny: "I gotta stiffy, how bout you Doctor?" "Well they don't call me Bones for nothin'!" |
bmichner: "There's something in the gravy!!!" |
Lanzman: Here. I brung ya a Kleenex. |
darkstormy: The entire Gettysburg Address written on toilet paper...? What the hell? |
Carmilla67: Oh MAN!! Remind me not to try the 3-Bean Bango Chili!!! |
Agent_Moldy: "Hi. Satan here. Look, what's the deal, huh? You steal a few million mortal souls, suddenly you're a bad guy. What gives?" |
![]() amycamus: It's moments like these when life feels like an empty, barren plain stretching away to a dark, distant horizon. |
TomServos_Dad: I believe the killer maintained a long vigil here, as you can see from the remnants of his many Chinese dinners. |
sothberrypie: Parasailing with Ballpark Franks. |
DiggerSmolken: YEE-HAH! My coffee's done! WOOPIE! |
![]() BUFFALO63: The best part of waking up... (homeless and drunken by a dock) is Folger's in your cup! |
![]() Phantasmo: Buy a vowel!!! |
FredPAC: Auditions for the new Spice Girl were getting just a bit bizarre with Jurassic Spice. |
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