Identify the Capper Quiz Test Page (Example One)
Choose the correct capper and caption that goes with the image. (No fair using the search option on the site to find the answers)

Hinermad: "I only use my greenhouse to grow medical grade marijuana."
GersonK: "Would you look at what you did? Don't give me those eyes, look at this carpet. Look at it!"
Sunflash_the_Mace: "It's the only place left that I haven't had tattooed yet."
Racerex: Caught in his own giant rabbit trap.

Nos4a2: "Please remember to separate your whites and colors this time."
Scouty: "Sectum Sempra..."
Vicious: "It's a tiny plunger to plunge out the tiny poopie."
amycamus: "Would you PULEEZ take your little brother and his damn drums outside?? I gotta headache"

THE_Durandal: "Fire! ARRGGHH!!!"
Agent_Moldy: Panic ensued when Fred became possessed by the spirit of Sammy Davis, Jr.
JoeCrow: "I can't grow my own, so I had the hair tattooed on my head."
DanZero: I prefer the original insignia for the Enterprise.

JediClone: "Red Five, standing by!"
402: This is how spontaneous human combustion starts.
GlitterRock: Mixed up the red food coloring with his hand lotion.
E_the_E: Number one sign your masturbation habit is a little extreme.

Matteus: Raise your hand if your Sure!
animebabe: "Bye! Come again soon! Next time bring the kids! *sigh* What nice people..."
Jazzsoda: "Ooh! Ooh! Pick me, pick me!"
TyranosaurisRex: Gene Simmons looks better with his Demon makeup.

Amon: "Well, I see he at least died happy..."
rickubis: "Like.. What the f***?"
Cyberbeast: That's the smallest Stargate I've ever seen!
Meldrick: "Umm... that *is* his finger. Right?"

Hippie: "That's not what I meant when I said I wanted you to stroke my pussy."
E_B_A: "I'm sorry, Bruce. I misunderstood what you meant when you were going out to get a black pussy."
Indomitus: "Thank you for holding my pussy. Sometimes I just *can't* control it."
Artanas: "How did you get your hand inside my pussy without me realizing it?"

Valshiro: "I'm praying to Vomitus, God of Hurls."
Laserblast: "I warned you not to drink that much ale. Now look at you!"
Fee: "I don't care how long or hard you stare down. You can't see into Hades."
Buffoon: "Morning sickness??? How could you have morn.... YOU CHEATING BITCH!!!!"

Seltaeb: No air horns allowed in the stadium!
gleeb: He is truly one great ape.
KindaEvil: Close your mouth! In this city, we keep our mouths... closed!
BlakHat1: "Bartender! Anutha banananana daquiri!" *HIC!*

SunSinner: At least they kept the important part from the movie when the made the animated version of Alien.
keogh: Blanka was hiding quite the figure
Fuquad: Time for some scantily clad anime whoop ass!
BuckFifty: "Time for your EXTREME workout! Pump those arms! *flexes so hard sleeves rip off*

Suggestion 1: Instead of guessing the capper AND the caption, put the caption under the screengrab, and make the four options be capper handles.
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