"Shandi's MST3K Last Episode Galleries"
Note: During the final episode of MST3K, in the gallery Shandi had mentioned that she wished she had saved caps for a special gallery.
I (Amon) had been saving them for the same purpose, but offered them to her to host on her site, which she happily did (I even got big *cyber-hugs*).
The Wayback Machine, where I am digging up old galleries, did not have them indexed, so I could not get them from her website.
I MIGHT still have them around here somewhere, but not sure, as I deleted the saved galleries once I went through them.
But seeing as how I never did anything with them on my site, they might not have gotten deleted. If not, they are on an old hard drive.
If I do find them, they will be posted here under Shandi's gallery where they rightfully belong, since they were on her website.

   Shandi's Caption Galleries