JohnSteed: Something I shamefully admit seeing in theaters... (It's a long, sad story) |
JohnSteed: You can't fool us. That's Jennifer Garner! |
JohnSteed: Hey, I thought Gweneth Paltrow was in this... |
JohnSteed: A little work shortage after The Quest, Roger? |
JohnSteed: You gotta' be thinking some starving screenwriter was pushed over the edge upon reading this. |
JohnSteed: Alexander the Great's rolling in his grave right now... |
JohnSteed: They're so stupid, the only reason he's in this is because they thought he was Austin Powers. |
JohnSteed: Failed attempt at Surrealism #1: Scary Spice gets scared |
JohnSteed: Failed attempt at Surrealism #2: Baby Spice having a baby. |
JohnSteed: At least someone in the movie is looking out for the audience's best inerests. |
JohnSteed: "Mr. Connery, I do not appreciate your rude comments. this is perfectly decent ironic humor. And STOP CALLING ME TRABEK!!!" |
JohnSteed: "I will replace the world's water supply with Crystal Pepsi unless you pay me... ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!!" |
JohnSteed: You know you're hip with the kids when you're making Roger Moore get jiggy with it. |
JohnSteed: "Sure! I'll 'hit two home runs' for you tomorrow!" |
JohnSteed: This movie deals with issues... of YM and Seventeen... |
JohnSteed: Back when everything was Mod and Michael Caine got laid every night... |
JohnSteed: "Remember, Neo Spice, if you're not one of us, you're one of them..." |
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