oh, great show, I could watch this 
for a whole half hour 

(Stan)" point exactly Kenny; an 
antiquated religious system holds no 
power in our modern socitety..." 

*Crunch* *Spalt* *Thud* 
"Oops, up on the curb again!" 

o/` "Give me a 'ho' if you got your 
funky bus screengrab!" 

they didn't realise it was a black bear 
filling in for the bus driver, it would 
just eat the kids as they got on

"Pardon me, do you have any 
Grey Pupon? AHHHHH!" 

The Spice Girls hire a new driver for 
that giant bus: "Sit DOWN you 
WHORES!" "Oy yank! That's 
'MISS Whore' to you!" 


 Having never danced in public, Stan 
was paralyzed with fear when his turn 
came at the "Soul Train" line. 

Miss Crabtree! YOU MURDERER! 
You axed my friend Kenny and buried 
him in your back yard! Proof? You want 
PROOF? I got proof! Kenny here's an 
eye... witness... KENNY?... but I 
identified the body... I... I... huh? 

Unable to reach even the first step, 
the school bus eventually pulls off 
without them. 
RI??? we're not going to 
Rhode Island are we?
What's really sad, is this is a 
tupperware party! 

welcome to my brownie bed 

"I've called this meeting to discuss moving 
our Cheesy Poof assets to cover the 
losses suffered on Snacky Cake decline."