
"Live long and -- DANG! Stupid fingers won't go right." 
"Shatner, Schmatner. Let's all do the Checkov! Vappavappadappa!" 
"... and thank God for Michael Strazinski or I'd be flipping burgers at 
McDonalds right now.."

"Watch out! Checkov's head is about to explode under pressure from trying
to understand his own voice!
After realizing how dishonored his career had become, Sulu pulls a dagger 
out of his pocket and pluges it into his stomache. 
Some time ago, I had an inappropriate cameo on Star Trek Voyager. I know know that it was wrong. And I appologize, to you, the nation, and especially my wife.
"...is very sorry he ever agreed to star in this film and wishes you not hold it against him personally..." 
The vast expanse known as Shatner's Ego... 

"Isn't it sad how Klingon warbirds will sometimes fly right into the window?"
.oO(Please God, let Willam Shatner die, I'll never be a captain with him alive, and supressing me.) 
Trainspotting starring Willaim Shatner... "Let me... get this....straigt, I'm supposed... to shove this thing.... up... my ass?" 
They put that big collar on Walter to keep him from licking himself.  
"Quick honey! They're about to show the Stupid Klingon Tricks." 
"Open the pod bay doors, Alfred E Neuman." "I'm afraid I cant do that." "I'll shut you down if you dont" " What- me worry?" 
"Spock, I like you, but I'm not gonna marry you..." 
"Captain's Log: a bunch of our shiop fell off, and no one likes me..." 
"He's dead, Jim. Pass the ketchup..." 
"Butter me Spock, that's ....an order!" "Illogical captain, we m.." "Don't...don't make me...get the hose Spock" 
After seeing the script for "Star Trek 5", Ricardo asked to be killed off in #2 just to be safe... 

"..You're SURE you can't beam us down to the Planet Of The Nymphomaniac 
Hurry up, Uhura! I only have six years to score a date for my next PonnFarr! 
"Dammit, I gotta get this red shirt off or I'm a dead duck..."

"I know, I'll use my magic suit to get us out of here..." "OH SHUTUP" 

"Does this make me look fat?" "EVERYTHING makes you look fat, 
captain" "*sniff* I hate you all!
"Must... Obey... L. Ron Hubbard"

Shatner's hairpiece has it's own contract wherein it's guaranteed at least 30 minutes of camera time per movie.

Capt Kirk channels the spirit of Steve Reeves
"This is the U.S.S. Jehova's Witness. Permission to beam over 18,000 copies of the 'Watchtower'." 
"There's.... some... THING.... on the warp drive nacelle."

Shatner's so bald he's even got an artificial hare-lip. 
"Wait a minute, You are not wearing fine Corinthian leather! Thats is cheap 
Texas leather!" 
"Scotty's chokeing on a chickenbone! Quick Bones, the Heimlich!" "Dammit 
man, I'm a doctor, not a- oh sorry, right away, captain!" 
"I'm sorry Mr. Scott, but if this 'Star Trek vs Star Wars' debate is going to keep going, I'm just going to throw myself into the warp core..." 

"Spock, it's falling out anyway, can I have your hair? Moan and drool for

The Vulcan in the Plastic Bubble. 
"Meanwhile, aboard the Restaurant at the End of the Universe..." 
The line stretched lone, but everyone was patient. This had been advertised as the best rollercoaster in town, so they were willing to wait. 


"Look Captain, uh, Dad, sure he was you're friend, but at least I'm not dead." 
"Maybe we should start heading home, captain." "No, no. Let's just stand 
around until we crash into something. Spock would have wanted it that way." 
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