Indomitus: .oO(He's kinda cute, but he's still not gonna get me at the Christmas Party this year.) |
Meldrick: "Toga partys are very common in my part of heaven, I'll have you know." |
DangerKitty: "Shit if Darth vader can do it, why can't I? Stupid Force!" |
Billy_Zoom: Devil, just stand there and tell us if they made a first down... |
Meldrick: "Hey, I just ran my car through the wash and it shrunk right up. Can you get me the jaws of life over here?" |
Indomitus: "Let's go butter some bread." "You sure you're an angel?" |
All_Moatas_All_The_Time: "If I didn't have my imaginary friend, I'd go crazy." |
Indomitus: Wherever there's trouble... Wherever there's danger... Wherever there's kitten stuck in a tree... You'll find... BREAD MAN!! |
DangerKitty: Is this the kind of guy that YOU want to put buns in your oven? |
Indomitus: "Quick, Heel Boy! To the Breadmobile!" |
MirandaRamsey: This is 1972 and he's got his family living in a bus. Groovy as fucking hell. The kids have all got lice. |
All_Moatas_All_The_Time: Bob waits outside for his co-worker to finish, bidding by the old breadtrucker's rule, 'If the Breads-a rockin', don't come-a-knockin' |
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