"2004 Caption Gallery Page 164"

trickubis or treat:
Be vewwy vewwy quiet. I'm twapping Smurfs.

trickubis or treat:
It was lame, so we shot it. No... not lame with a broken leg. Just... lame. I mean... look at it.

trickubis or treat:
How do they do the centerfold on this?

River Blue:
OMG!!!! The monkeys overpowered the organ grinders and they're taking over!"

"You fistfuckers are never going to get your bondage merit badges at this rate!"

"Antidisestablishmentarianism?!?!?! Them's FIGHTIN' WORDS, buddy!"

"As you can see this chart is of a chart. It's very important and so am I. RESPECT ME, DAMMIT!"

"Incontinence is like a tiny Napoleon inside you, poking at your bladder with a pointed stick."

It's Hamtaro time!

Salvador Dali's "Steaming Piles Of Shit: Perspectives" series

trickubis or treat:
Never the smartest boy, Ted decided to drive to England...

"Bring on Masturbating Bear!"

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