Joshua_the_samurai: We built it INSIDE OUT! |
WEIRD_1: well what do YOU grow on a dirt farm? |
Dante83: "Ooo look at this, His leg wiggles when you touch this thing." "Gross, it's all slimy! Ewww." "Guys, I don't think they covered any of this in Dental School." "Shut up, it's fun!" |
AustinThreeSixteen: "BOI-OI-OING!" |
icabod: We are allowed only a glimpse of the Super-Duper Master-Plan before it goes into major production |
AustinThreeSixteen: Try the new energy drink. E! Its nothing but pure speed! So remember, when you need a burst of EE-nergy that only sp-EE-d can give you, remember E! |
TyranosaurisRex: No grill marks Johnson. We'll never compete with George Foreman's Lean Mean Grillin' Machine without grill marks. |
TyranosaurisRex: The Neanderthal method of dealing with Rubick's Cube. |
AustinThreeSixteen: All roads lead to California MY BRIGHTY SHINEY ASS! |
cambria36: Pausing a DVD during phallic scenes does little to get your girl "in-the-mood", I'm sad to report. |
ROBOTSCARECROWT: Spectators got a little suspicious than critics might be present when before he threw the first punch, one fighter turned around and said, "Now is the winter of our discontent." |
Indomitus: The director says the snowglobe mounted on the car signifies the inner turbulence of the characters' souls as they struggle through life. That and it's real purty, too. |
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