"2004 Caption Gallery Page 155"

"I made a $10,000 commission on my last transaction." "I'll trade you my $9,000 commission and this peanut butter sandwich." "Deal!"

They stood fascinated as the sunbeam slid slowly across the wall. "This sure beats watching grass grow!" "No doubt!"

Golden Books presents a new line of cartoon biographies, like, "I Did the Thinnin' Around Here" by Quickdraw McGraw, "I Don't Like You", by Droopy Dog, & "Like it? It Stinks!" by Pepe LePew!

Welcome to the Little Golden Books That Failed Museum. Here you'll find the books that never made it off the press: from "An Ass-Kicking for Alpheratz" to "Zoos: A Lesson in Captive Mating."

Next stop, the Lotus Love Garden of the Soul. 50% chance of showers. Hey, that's a Soda Cracker. We only allow exact Snacks. Crackers are too vague.

"Should I drink?" What kind of question is that? Should you breathe?

He has HUGE -- tracks of... um, railroad ties...

...did not match with the furniture in the kitchen. Decided to go with 'eggshell' instead.

The guys in the squadron didn't want to use these, but they were all out of heteroplanes.

AIRLINE: AirTrans. ROUTE: Rochester NY to Atlanta GA. TIME: Depart 6:30 AM, arrive 10:47 PM (nonstop) REMARKS: Ran out of fuel halfway to destination, had to call AAA.

"So when Jerry's Crate over the briney went cold witch up, I spun the dangle and snapped girdle right in the how's-your-father... {RAF Banter omitted for content}

"Still stuffing rolled socks in your underwear, I see."

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