ABServo: It's amazing how sheep look so much like Freedom Poodles! |
CaptionFreak: Freedom Buffalo. The Freedom Tower. |
Indomitus: "Hi. Satan's Penis here. Betcha never though you'd see me again, huh? Well, I've been pretty busy, running Al Queda and all. You might know me by my other name: Bin Laden..." |
JRavenCET: "What'd you do?" "I turned off the screen." "No, ya didn't. You turned off the whole movie!" |
TMBG: Does this remind you of your record collection? Log onto RollingStone.com and see what you have been missing! |
TMBG: Does this remind you of your credit report, Get your own report online, now! |
TMBG: Thank you for watching our 5 hour tribute to Mr. Rodgers, The Imagination Marathon! |
JRavenCET: "There is it is! One million miles on the buick!" "You've got the lense cap on, dear." "Crap!" |
JRavenCET: Note: Mick Jaggers in mirror may be closer than they appear. |
Moatas: Extreme close-up of Mick Jaggar's lips |
Indomitus: And from this single piece of vulcanized rubber, they'll be able to cut chicken breast filets for almost 100 frozen dinners! |
Indomitus: "I don't know what it is, but it's got my McCarthy-Commie-Detectometer all the way up to 14!" |
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