Indomitus: make meth? Of course, that way if they're caught, it's Herb that takes the fall. |
gleeb: Nah, he'd have a lot more fun with Daddy's shotgun. |
TyranosaurisRex: Why not? Herb OD'd from the meth he made from it weeks ago. |
gleeb: Should Billy use Herb's Ambesol? |
gleeb: Should Billy use Herb's Brillo pads? |
Indomitus: "No problem. We've got some epoxy. We'll have the thumb back on in no time." |
amycamus: "Here, I'll find the Martha Stewart simulcast on the radio while you mash up those Saltines for our pie crust." |
gleeb: Should Herb use Billy's nail polish? |
GersonK: Who cares how long it's been on the floor. It's a damned twinkie, just eat it. |
amycamus: .oO(Hmm, I wonder if should use Herb's biological weapons trailers...) |
lil_amish_boy: "Making drugs is FUN, isn't it, Billy?" "You said it Bobby, now pass the Draino!" |
Indomitus: Ah, the things you can do with a chemistry set and your own bodily fluids! |
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