Klatuu: Who's got cooler hair, me or Legolas? Be honest... |
clover: Eh, so I'm evil. Big deal. The hours suck, the health plan is great! |
LongLiveRock: C'mon Arwin gimme some of that elf lovin', BAYBEE! |
The_Gray_Zombie: Well, ever since GlitterRock moved the Glitterdome to Caption City, Metro City sort of went downhill. |
Indomitus: This movie, appropriately enough, is brought to you by 2000 Flushes Green. |
LongLiveRock: GLITTERDOME! |
Lanzman: "I smell polyester. Travolta is close... very close..." |
The_Gray_Zombie: Keogh: The Second Coming, coming soon to You're Shittin' Me Theater. |
PrezGAR: We've found it. The long abandoned lair of the last red dragon, Granamyr. But, why are their Lord of the Rings posters in here? |
GlitterRock: And from the shadows, Christopher Lloyd lets out a mighty "GREAT SCOTT!" |
LongLiveRock: Shaggy sees a ghost! |
GersonK: "woo-hoo, vending machine's haywire! Free zagnuts!" |
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