"2002 Caption Gallery Page 9"

"You guys get the feeling we are the most boring white people in the history of boring white people?"

"FBI. Federal Biscuit Investigator. Fork over the dough."

The family reacted with stunned horror as Aunt Bernice entered the room with a crescent roll on her head.

Ted Koppel might have been cool in his hay day... maybe

"Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can. They're called threads. I heard this delightful PUMAT the other day..."

.oO"The fools. Let them squabble over their biscuits and crescent rolls. I will make off with the danishes while no-one is looking."Oo.

Another Saturday night, another domestic disturbance call brought on by a shortage of quality biscuits.

"Hell buddy! I know where you can find a lot of biscuits, and cresants and doughnuts even!"

"It's gonna be hard for the three of us to live out of this car, that's why we have to have to organize things. Ted, you sleep in the trunk, Bar--" "How come I gotta sleep in the trunk??"

"Boomerang? Sir, can I interest you in a quality boomerang today?"

"I am just *baffled*..the trail of dried blood leads up to this ladder--but then stops. Man, Sherlock Holmes would be baffled. Welp, guess I'll just give up."

(on cell phone)"Yeah, Dirk Gently please... Dirk, Heya buddy. I was wondering if you could help me, see, this bloodtrail leads to this lad-..you say the guy is at home in his sock drawer? Thanks Dirk."

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