"2002 Caption Gallery Page 69"

"Colorado!" "Colorado!" "It's only a model..."

You can dam cabbages? Huh. Learn something new every day.

"I AM THE ALL SEEING EYE OF MOGADOR!! TREMBLE, PUNY MORTALS ..... Heh-heh, just kidding, I'm really just another corporate logo."

...local time, please check you TV guide for listings

Not having any slums of its own, Beverly Hills imports some from Chicago

Lando Calrissian says "Even Ewoks drink Colt 45"

"We can't be back at your place yet. I'm not drunk enough!"

Jimmy gathered up all his Rage from the malt shop table, inspiring Fear in his fellow classmates, then fled out the front door, leaving them all with just a big helping of What the Fuck?

"Have fun on your date, dear. Be sure to get home before 11, and don't let Jimmy put his hands where they don't belong. Oh, and just so you know - your ass looks pretty fat in that dress."

The boys brought in a reputable scientist to verify Jimmy's claims that he could tell any time that Gowest mentioned Generik's name on the Internet just by concentrating. And by bending spoons.

"...two cups of creamy, creamy flesh and one very very moist-...oops, here comes my mom - call ya later!"

After chanting the arcane magic spell found in the ancient text didn't work, Barbara attempted to reinflate her breasts the old-fashioned way: by blowing them up through her thumb-nozzle.

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