BlakHat1: "Where's the Ctrl+Alt+Del on this thing?" |
servo: If that thing had a slide, it would be really fun |
servo: Or maybe not. |
BlakHat1: "Impaled by a bridge! I couldn't die impaling a green slave girl, Noooo.." *gurk!* |
EDivaC: Is that a juniper bush? |
servo: If you look closely you can see a Jawa stealing a bike. |
BlakHat1: "Now THAT was a party, Number One!" |
Bowser497: Yes. They where beautiful as I sat there and watched thos Gorillas, Gorillas in the mist... |
stareater: "My glassed are 95% percent cremed butter!" |
ArchHallJr: Has thighs... like butta! |
stareater: "I died so you could enjoy drawn butter..." |
Moatas: "General, the enemy has slipped thru our lines, We suspect butter was used." |
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