"A Very Special Christmas Rhyme"

"Twas the night after Christmas and all through the den... the smoke billowed and swirled; mom was cooking again..."

"The toys were all broken and lying in shards... Pop had too much egg nog, passed out in the yard..."

"Uncle Louie was smug, a big smile on his face... He took my last dollar with 2 queens and 3 aces..."

"When up on the roof there arose such a clamor... I jumped for my gun, and Jed grabbed a hammer..."

"It fell through the chimney, with a poof and a splat... What else could it be, but a damn ugly rat..."

"My sister, she screamed and passed out on the rug... Not surprised, she'd freak out at the sight of a bug..."

"My cousins rushed in yelling 'what is the matter'... Followed by Ethel, who's mad as a hatter..."


"Fred was still out cold, passed out in his bed... while visions of 'net porn danced in his head..."

"So we snatched up the rat and threw it in a backpack... Carried it outside to give Fido a light snack..."

"Uncle Louie said 'Hold up! Get that out of his dish!" ... "Let me get my camera, I'll be back in a bit..."

"So we lit it on fire, it went up with a poof... And burned it to ashes, this rat from the roof..."

"With the danger averted and Christmas still here... Uncle Louie said 'Merry Christmas! Now go get me a beer.' "The end.

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