gleeb: He gave a one-person show, and one person showed up. Success! |
gleeb: The invention of the chair is announced with great fanfare to a footsore world |
Indomitus: "I sense that something evil and yet inconceivably stupid is about to happen. Be alert, Robin." |
RoninM: "Hang on, gentlemen, before we begin the superhero-supervillian interplay, can you direct me to the little bat's room? I've needed to go all day." |
The_Seer: "Gee golly Batman, would you kindly stop with the VROOM-VROOM noises you're making over there." |
The_Seer: How did they get Frankie Avalon to join their evil supergroup? |
shanky: "Batman's only appearance on The Love Boat was qiute a spectacle!" |
CapMidnight: "No! NO!! ...You should have set up the badminton net MUCH higher!! ...Now you shall die!!" |
shanky: "They got me Lucky Charms!" |
The_Seer: "I'LL GET YOU GADGET!" |
shanky: "Are you SURE this place doesn't have a door?" |
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