Loodvig: "Oil can...... oil can." |
HenryBemis: "Whoa, Evildoers. Slow down there. I don't have Steve Austin's speed or agility." |
Torgone: Is that the Neutron Dance or the Safety Dance? |
NurseNoir: Glory holes... OF THE GODS!!! |
Tinassman: David Manning liked it better |
UpSky2: "I'm so glad its the end of the movie and we get to live happily..." "But wait! We have to live through the credits first." "Oh yes! dreadful ordeal." |
Razumihin: <bonk> Ow! My eye! |
Vicious: www.@#$%@#$birdpoop.com |
Werehamster: Inertia Breeds Mediocrity. |
Mr_Grant: The tiny little man who runs around inside your Windows PC, throwing switches, turning dials, and activating blue-screen error messages. |
krazykid: the director has sold out to the following companies... |
sanspants: the problem with college: cleaning the puke off your thesis the day after your big binge. |
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