maamaaf: that all the trucks do is sit there and weigh several hundred pounds |
E_B_A: "Am I not a tea pot? Am I not short and stout? Doth thy not see mine handle and mine spout!?" |
HenryBemis: Leprechauns 1-3 don't count, Scifi. |
UnReality: "Okay, if it doesn't open in the *next* twelve hours, then we start yelling, agreed?" |
UnReality: "Burns like a motherfucking riot." |
sanspants: dude! busted wanking off to page 742 of webster's dictionary! not cool! |
Artanas: Tonight's special guest molester, Optimus Prime! |
TravisBickle: But aren't coat hangers 100% accurate?... I'm gonna burn for that one aren't I? |
Xylorjax: "...and with a quick >SNIP<, he's all cured." "Doctor! This man won't survive without a liver!" "Nonsense. His nose didn't light up. He'll be fine." |
Occupant: "It's his pancreas!" "It's his gall bladder!" "Pancreas!" "Gall bladder" "Bitch!" "Slut!" |
JediClone: Joe Bob. Sagitarius. Enjoys plungers. A lot. Did we mention he likes plungers? |
sanspants: and he thought she was going to swallow |
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