Mr_Grant: "Get Your Kicks on Route 66" made the US Highway System sound like a swinging cocktail party, where in truth it was like an AV Club meeting. |
gleeb: Well, if only people would put the plastic covers on their teachers at night, there'd be a lot less wear and tear. |
da_upstart: "Hello, ma'am. I'm from the Department of Whuppin Your Kids' Ass in Washington D.C. I believe you called earlier?..." |
gleeb: "My client, Mr. Gallano, is in no way involved with the Teacher Protection racket." |
144b: I think this is the best Overdue Roundup Day that the library has ever had. |
beckett: "...only in the real submarine the controls wont just be painted on like this." |
gleeb: Someday, I'll have a real window. |
gleeb: "And you say the lab rats built this?" |
beckett: "But when you're in the tub with it, you have to be really careful not to catch your pubes in the propeller." |
144b: Good, it's ready. I'll get the baking soda & you get the tub filled! |
144b: Hmmm, 234? I've better cut back on the beef jerkey. |
beckett: "Hey Earl, roll the window down and signal a left, will ya?" |
144b: D'oh! I've had the turn signal on for two weeks. |
da_upstart: "Yes, I'd like to liquidate my accounts and--" <POOF!> "Hello, Jimmy. It's me, you. I'm your older self come to warn you not to take the money out." "..... whatdafuuuuck?..." |
gleeb: "Why won't you tell me what my balance is?" "We don't trust you." |
Loodvig: 'Eight Miles High' video? |
gleeb: Airborne Pvt. Hendrix complains to flight surgeons of a purple haze all through his brain... |
Hinermad: Hendrix takes another whiff of nitrous oxide, has a vision of Starland Vocal Band's "Afternoon Delight," and swears off drugs forever. |
Hinermad: Cataloged as NGC-90125, this long, narrow cloud of interstellar dust and gas 6000 light years away is better known as the Pantiliner Nebula with Wings. |
Matteus: Either everyone on Earth is dead or we're in Utah |
gleeb: Most folks are so glad to get a good parking space, they leave the car and walk everywhere. |
flowbear: The Las Vegas strip before the invention of casinos and neon. |
soultron: late at night gumby stalks his prey. |
BlakHat1: "Race ya to the monolith!" |
cambria36: "London Bridge is......" Well, you know..... |
Snuffleupagus: Pedestrians Are Worth 50 Points!! |
Moatas: "You can do it here, or do it somewhere else, but either way you're buying some Girl Scout cookies..." |
da_upstart: The internet had a special, buy 4 Russian brides and get the 5th one free. |
cambria36: and we screw over there in the bedroom |
beckett: "I can out akimbo your ass all DAY mister!" |
GersonK: "Well, back to the...." "Say it and I kill you, Jim" |
Loodvig: Snowman manure is becoming a growing problem along Lake Superior... |
UnReality: "Dude, how much for a dime bag of prosciutto?" |
gleeb: Whoa! GOOD prosciutto! |
cambria36: I never eat Italian ham. (just kidding, gleeb) |
gleeb: We got cappicola ham, we got braunschweiger, whachu want? |
UnReality: "I don't have a problem. I can quit snorting pimento loaf anytime I like!" |
gleeb: Dude, that stuff is whack! Now, I'm high on bean sprouts! |
gleeb: I think you're flooding it. |
Racerex: "You know, next time we can rent a BOAT to go fishing in, Earl!" |
beckett: "Christ A'mighty Earl ! why'dncha tell me ya had ta pee?!" |
144b: And a night in the trauma center. |
beckett: "Presented by the Freaks Council" |
gleeb: This was the one Gummo and Zeppo made on their own, right? |
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