Flanker: Marlon Brando exploded today... |
Occupant: Credits courtesy of the director's kid brother's Apple IIe |
WaffleKing: ...means? |
keogh: "We've been running those Emergency Broadcast System ads for 20 years now. Dammit people, this is NOT a game!""It's all in your mind." "SEE?" |
TravisBickle: This man never had a date in high school, died cold, miserable and alone, but he took a ton of people with him when he climbed up the clocktower with a rifle. |
Beedo: Mrs. B.J. Smegma of 9, the Crescent, Bath, cannot be seen. Mrs. Smegma, would you stand UP, please? |
Flanker: "And I'd like to extend a big howdy to the FBI agents watching me through the ventilation ducts..." |
Vt: My God, it's full of stars! |
Vt: My God, it's full of bullshit! |
Hippie: THEME MUSIC? I should PAY for theme music? To hell with that! Doo da doo da da da doo da doo -It's Jake!- da da da -Jake's show!- da da doo da! |
Artanas: Moe, Moe, Moe of the Jungle! |
snooperboy: Credit check required, includes all tax, title, and license, prices may vary, all copyrights reserved, blah blah blah... |
Flanker: "Hellraiser is not in right now but if you would like to leave a message..." |
CaveDweller: "Yep. I'm a dork, and I'm proud of it." |
Forkboy: Go play in traffic, kid. |
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