EntertheJabberwock: Man, the Fonz really let himself go in the 80's. |
neongreentrinity: Don't let hunger happen to YOU! |
cisco3600: "Don't touch me." "Come on, one dance?" (Hey Ataru) |
EntertheJabberwock: "Mmmfff... Can you hold on a sec? I just popped one of my teeth out." |
cisco3600: Good porn name. (No, not on AIM. I'm clean, three weeks now. <drum hit> But seriously, no.) |
EntertheJabberwock: I'd like to Rod Serling, if you know what I mean. *nudge nudge wink wink* |
rogeemoto: I'll bet that's confusing when he rents a tux for a friends wedding. |
Ataru_Moroboshi: The most well kept man in showbiz. |
neongreentrinity: We're here! We're Queer! |
neongreentrinity: man i love my life....Cisco are you on AIM? |
EntertheJabberwock: "ZzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzz... Er... um... I mean... uh... yes, my child. That'll be three Hail Marys." |
rogeemoto: Well father, as a kid I used to masturbate alot. As an adult too. As a matter of fact I'm doin it now! |
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