EntertheJabberwock: This is the most fucked up version of "Dance Dance Revolution" I've ever seen. |
EntertheJabberwock: "Let's see... I want to eat you... and you... and you... and mmmm, I'm sure you'd be pretty tasty with a nice egg glaze..." |
zephyr: We're gonna have to throw in the towel, Tyson couldn't get to his ears so he went after his eyes, bastard! |
Billy_Zoom: "Eeet's dif-fi-cult...." :) |
EntertheJabberwock: "I HAVE to know where you got your hat!" |
SilentFilmStar: Yeah, Sam, he just walked into my office in that jumpsuit. Truthfully, I found it a little TOO attractive. |
SilentFilmStar: My superior wit, charisma, and better haircut can outwit a dude in a jumpsuit any day.s |
EntertheJabberwock: This is the most awkward break-in robbery I've ever seen. |
Billy_Zoom: "You wanna dance with the Man, pussy?" |
EntertheJabberwock: Clive Barker's Mickey Mouse. |
SilentFilmStar: This attempt to be inconspicuous is sure to fail. (Hello, everyone!) |
EntertheJabberwock: "I'm telling you, this midget sadomasochist growing out of my lower spine is going to make us MILLIONS!" |
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