DoktorD: A riot breaks out when Miss Kitty says all the girls have yeast infections. |
SirEnochTheChaste: "I say, old boy, why are you painting me sitting on a toilet and holding the severed head of a young boy?" "It's artistic license, milord." |
Nyssa23: "So, any advice on women, old bean?" "Nope. Gay as a goose. Wanna stay for a martini?" |
Nyssa23: Suddenly, Charles Foster Kane was called indoors. |
Nyssa23: "Darling, can the tracking child help us?" "Hush, dear, he's thinking." "Fwee men pass by heah, twail still fwesh." |
Hinermad: Whose idea was it to let Escher design the subway? |
Nyssa23: "Take me with you!" |
Hinermad: The ghost of Lassie continues to haunt the Wayne County Airport. Most people just ignore her, but it's a bitch when she wants to play fetch. |
SirEnochTheChaste: We're sending him to anchor management classes. |
Hinermad: If you want to catch a ship you're going to have to bait that hook. |
Hinermad: "Yup - it's Sasquatch stool, alright." "How can you tell?" "Corn... right here. And over here's a steer." |
KindaEvil: England: where cricket games happen and people actually care. |
Nyssa23: "I'm not apologizing. If the city is smart it'll come around." |
Agent_Moldy: The unveiling of the "I'm HUGE!" memorial was a big success. |
Nyssa23: Here we see the baby peppermints securely wrapped in their cocoons. In a couple of days, they'll hatch into candy canes. |
UnReality: "Okay, I think I understand the principle. Which ones represent Laos and Cambodia again?" |
DiscoBoy: Awfully big bottle there.... |
UnReality: "Dammit! In my date, when you tied a damsel to the train tracks, she *stayed* tied to the train tracks!" <grumble grumble> |
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