Mr_Grant: *To hear this menu in jive, press 1, now* |
Mr_Grant: Herb is saddened that he is the only one to show up for the "Die Hard" mixer. |
TheDiva: It's predecessor,, had a tendency to crash frequently. |
amycamus: "Wow! So, the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power plans to use this equipment to convert raw sewage to drinking water?" "Yep." (true, believe it or not) |
CapMidnight: "Wow! ..and you mean the classrooms here turn raw sewage into lawyers?!?" |
anti_hero: More raw sewage! We need more!! |
Mpower: Stop laughing at me. I am death and you do to have to come with me. Damn it stop laughing. |
NoahZark: "Don't make me happy. You wouldn't like me when I'm happy." (folks, he turns into a big purple dinosaur) |
rickubis: Meanwhile, the more technologically-advanced headlice on the back of his head have decided to start a war. Here we see the launch of a teeny-weeny ICBM. |
144b: How many books of green stamps it take to get that? |
EnochF: "Oooooh, yeeeees, now tie the other shoe... oooooh..." |
EnochF: "Better one? Better two? How about now, better one? Better two?" |
EnochF: "Whoa, look! The whole forest looks all tiny..." "Give me those!" |
Hireling: So, DiscoBoy, you think you got what it takes to cap? Well, when you got your hand in a pile a goo that a minute ago was your best friends face, you'll (ah cra- |
DiscoBoy: DiscoBoy checks his thesaurus and list of Python references, then leaps into the maelstrom to cap. |
Vorvon: The toilet pipes in a house full of thirteen year old boys. |
Humoriste: Bob always had the best caps because he listened to "The Capper Fairy." |
EnochF: Lieutenant Richardson was momentarily taken aback. He hadn't expected the enemy to throw clods of feces before shooting... |
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