animebabe: "The man is here for the fencing..." "Idiot! I wanted to BUILD a fence..." |
Jinkeez: Nobody believed Bob when he said he could catch a cannonball with his teeth. |
animebabe: o/~ You can feel it... It's electric! Boogie oogie oogie oogie! o/~ |
famousmortimer: Wooooo, golden threeway! |
EnochF: More fun than a barilla monkeys... |
Agent_Moldy: That's not what the chicken said... |
Fishbait4: For fun, Billy like to dress up in purple outfits and drive around, just to freak out 60's acid casualties. |
rickubis: What's really big and has a large, purple head? I don't know, but it just drove by. |
Kobra_Kai: Doogie Howser, M.C. |
EnochF: "That's right, I *invented* rock and roll! In fact, if I didn't invent rock and roll, may a big purple monster drive through the wall in a red convertible!" |
LuvBJones: What?? It's over? Waitaminute, what was the point of this anyway? The seat covers from a '72 El Camino come to life and invent Hanson? I don't get it! |
Fishbait4: Welcome to "America's Funniest Crib Deaths." |
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