Vicious: SEGA! SEGA! |
DanZero: That's right! Soundgarden, baby!!! :) Doesn't it ROCK?! |
Slipjack: "Thanks Metamucil!" |
Shiris: Defective Products and the Death of Your Family are the end. |
Dairai: Like to run you over, is more accurate... |
Moon_Queen: DanZero, Medusa, and Moon: making the world a better place for cappers everywhere. |
DanZero: Appears to be "The Vampire's Mouthwash" too. |
UnReality: "Tonight, on ABC's Dumbass and Greg..." |
Schnapps: Analysis: pork. |
DanZero: Why do I cap? Why do I flirt? Why am I listening to a screengrab??!?!?! |
UnReality: " a sentence fragment. Three days in the hole, maggot!" |
medusaD: "Good Quality TV??" |
Fee: Step into the light... step into the light... HOLY SHIT! Step away from the light! Step away from the light!!! |
DanZero: "A Fondlin' We Will Go" cam. |
DanZero: Heiney-ken... fine ass beer it is! |
Vicious: Regurgitate, regurgitate, regurgitate the food ya ate! V-O-M-I-T, vomit, vomit, c'mon puke! |
GersonK: "Idiots, idiots, idiots. I'll go get it. No wonder you all rank below me. Picnic without mustard. Incredible." |
DanZero: Yeah, they're too cheap to buy Viagra, and their women don't get the results they're looking for... |
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