Chupacabrartanas: It'll make your balls spin! *TING* |
Chupacabrartanas: "What flying *SPLAT* pizza?" |
Chupacabrartanas: Great, vacation slides of Edward James Olmos in Arizona. wow. yay. |
E_B_Afraid: "Oh no... I'm not like my pussy grandfather. Throw some trash on the highway... I dare ya... if you think you've got the balls..." |
JediCorpse: "...and that's when I asked my doctor about gender-reasignment surgery-" "CUT! This is *supposed* to be a commercial for GERITOL!!!" |
Angel_Noir: "One-point-twenty-one Jigga Wampums?!" NEXT! |
JediCorpse: "Whoops!..." *splat!* ..."SORRY, LEIA!" |
Angel_Noir: "Coooold, ice cold dildos Heeya!" |
GrrrrsonK: Simon and Solo - This Fall on CBS. |
Angel_Noir: Damned if George Lucas doesn't work one of his corporate logos into everything! |
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