"Bigstupid's Caption Gallery Page 3"

The millions...and millions of the Rock's fans await the final episode of MST3k so they can shove thier TV's right up Sci-Fi's candy ass.

oh yeah, this priest stuff is pretty good, no women, no kids, and a free ticket to the big guy

Why women on a diet should NEVER smoke pot.

"Hmm...the stud finder doesn't seem to be picking up anything...oh, wait, it's pointed at me."

"Do we have to bust a primary school teacher in front of her class?" "Did you ever see me open envelopes with my sideburns?" "What?" "Never mind."

Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart and Geddy Lee plan the next RUSH tour.

Well I say the importing of badly-dubbed, incoherent Japanese anime series has gone far enough! I say NO to "Bonzai Miniature Danger Man!"

"Let's open up the magic envelope from the lab and see what kinky little STD's are crawling around on that body of yours, Susan!"

Lonely Lisa never got a husband, but everybody loved her joke about having a boyfriend who as "a little stiff" but who "always sported a woody."

"Yeah, I joined the Navy thinking it'd be like in that Village People song... but it's just a bunch of gay sex."

So Ted and Greg, can you tell us about your product? Ted:Yes it cleans wood, hard wood. Greg: Yeah and you stroke the wood too.Wanna try on one of us?

Religeous cults that never caught on #6: "We shall obey the, oh holy steam roller! You are our true-" *SPLAT!*

Macauley Culkin and his bride waiting for mom to give them a ride to their honeymoon."

In a half-hearted attempt at re-starting the beer wars, the Grolsch Trout fail to make a dent in the popularity of the Budweiser frogs."

How the Original Secret Recipie was revealed to Colonel Sanders

"What you mean I unsuccessful kamikaze pilot? I fly 48 mission!!"

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