Milleniart: "Anyone see that Lawless woman around? *THWACK* Hey!" |
JizzMaster_One: "Woooboy! Look at those prt 'lil tits!" "And with that cute 'lil short hair cut, it'd be like doin' that Leonardo DiCaprio boy!" |
E_the_E: Uglier than dogs playing poker... |
Milleniart: "Kiefer Sutherland ate my dingo, asked for more until Estevez snatched the remains, arrrrr." "More nitrous Lou?" "Yes please." |
JMShearer: "Whaddya mean that 'Bazooka Joe' comic is more enticing than my manly chest?" |
Gypsy64: "Okay, we'll just lay down that rhythm track one more time..." |
SS_Emerald: The pit bull's brain is responding well... |
Loodvig: "The Beatles are on Ed Sullivan!" |
lowellt: "Mostly starry today, with only a 1.7% chance of supernova." Damn weathermen, wrong again! |
144b: Going up, Mr. Serling? |
144b: "No, my wife is a witch! Not a bitch. Get it right, Milt." |
EnochF: "What did you just call my wife?!" "A witch." "Oh... well, that's all right, then." |
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